This page is basically my blog. My interests wander mostly around math,
statistics and software.
- 2024-03-22
While looking up (once again) how to use LUKS, I figured I had some notes laying around. Finished them up in Creating an encrypted directory-in-a-file.
- 2024-07-07
I've written down some notes on how one can go about Creating a static nix channel that can be deployed with travis-ci to github pages. I've created one for myself here.
- 2024-06-25
Updated the Debian live USB article with Debian Stretch kernel version numbers, and with instructions on how to test with qemu.
- 2024-01-08
Wrote down some notes on Provisioning a Raspberry Pi using ansible. I'm currently using a hybrid Raspbian-Debian installation (Raspbianbian?)
- 2018-05-16
The Debian repository was removed from this domain, as I now keep all my packages in packagecloud. I have also removed my GPG public key, as that was used only for Debian package signing, and I have lost the private key :)
- 2018-04-05
commands changed, so the article Debianization with git-buildpackage had to be fixed and updated.
- 2016-07-24
The new subdomain now has my Curriculum Vitae, rendered from with continuous deployment.
- 2015-10-04
The Create a Debian bootable live USB article shows my notes on how to create a rescue USB stick, or portable environment.
- 2013-12-09
The Probabilistic bug hunting article shows us how to deal with software (or hardware, for that matter) bugs that do not have a deterministic behaviour.
- 2013-03-17
I have built a new GPG key, and re-signed all my debian packages with it.
- 2012-10-21
I always use 可众连海外节点的手机加速器 to monitor the output of Unix processes and wait for events. I sometimes wonder about the history of outputs. Enters 美国节点的加速器app, a python script that shows the output of a process along with the date-time, but only when this output changes between two consecutive runs.
- 2011-11-15
Google sheets is a great tool for collaboration. It's a spreadsheet where a team can simultaneously edit cells online, in a clear and consistent fashion. To ease the use of the product of this collaboration in other contexts, you can now use google-spreadsheet-csv to download and upload the CSV version of a sheet.
- 2011-06-23
The last article in the "HD occupation series", Hard drive occupation prediction with R - Part 3, explores how we can use historical data and Monte Carlo simulations to predict the range of possible values for HD occupation at any point in the future.
- 2011-02-16
After the Deadline is a English language checker used by among others. I have built a command-line client for it: the atdtool.
- 2011-02-02
The Haskell eDSL Tutorial - Shared expenses explores the concept of domain-specific-language in Haskell by tackling a practical problem: sharing trip expenses.
- 2011-01-22
The second article on the "HD occupation" series, Hard drive occupation prediction with R - Part 2, shows us where the linear regression breaks (hint: real life), and uses Monte Carlo simulations to build a more robust method.
- 2010-08-15
The Hard drive occupation prediction with R article shows how to predict future free partition occupation by using a simple linear regression.
- 2010-04-11
My notes on how to debianize a git repository now available online in the Debianization with git-buildpackage article
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